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Seramur Park

Seramur Park (formerly Emerson Park) is a park located in downtown Stevens Point, the home of Brian’s sister, Krista Slusarski and her husband, Adam. Jayna’s aunt and uncle have been impressed with this park that started as a plain field in the middle of town and is now a nice playground and a very impressive basketball court. The Friends of Emerson Park Fund has raised money over the years to complete much, but the $5,000 donation from our Foundation will allow them to buy and install 6 bike racks for the park along with buying and installing a couple of benches near the basketball courts for observers.

This park, with the help of our contribution and many others, will allow children to spend quality time outside in the downtown area of a beautiful city. For a short time, the Kelley family lived in Stevens Point… Jayna was only about 4 years old and she and her sister explored the parks often with Mom and Dad.