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The Spirit of Christmas of Chippewa County

This donation was chosen by four Girls Scouts from Troop #3055. Izzy Oster, Sophie Albert, Ivy Laska and Emma Weiler all chose The Spirit of Christmas of Chippewa County. This organization helps give a good Christmas to children by delivering toys, clothing, games and more. They help about 1500 children between the ages of 0-17 annually!

We helped by sponsoring some families and shopping for 6 children. We delivered these gifts to the facility and we were able to get a great tour to learn more about the organization. The Foundation donated an additional cash sum of $3,000 to be used as needed to fulfill the wishes of children in the County.

This one brought a few tears. It feels so good to give back and to see people like these amazing gentlemen give over so much of their time and energy to something so good.